The GP Consultation Reimagined A tale of two houses

Brunet, Martin,

The GP Consultation Reimagined A tale of two houses [E-Book] - 1 online resource

Foreword by Roger Neighbour; Preface; Acknowledgements; About the author
1. The GP consultation in the ICE age
2. Two Houses -- a new model for the consultation
3. The GP toolbox
4. Entering the House of Discovery
5. Popping the bubble
6. Exploring the basement
7. Finding dry rot
8. Tending the garden
9. A house with two wings
10. The High Tech Room
11. Optional Rooms
12. Room 101
13. Empty Rooms, Hidden Rooms and Locked Rooms
14. Forecasting the future
15. Putting it into practice
16. The Two Houses guide to passing the CSA
17. Consulting in the 21st century

A new and creative way of thinking about the consultation in primary care, for both trainees and practising GPs This book helps readers focus on the two key objectives of every consultation: working out what matters, and deciding with the patient what to do about it.

1911510665 9781911510666

NBNi-0001-9781911510666 Ingram Content Group

GBC073106 bnb

019811989 Uk

Physician and patient.
Family medicine.
Physicians (General practice)
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