Nursing care: from theory to practice

Bassett, Chris

Nursing care: from theory to practice - London Whurr 2004 - BookFind

Why do Nurses do What They Do?. What is Care?. What Nurses and patients Think Care is. Can we Teach Care to Student Nurses?. Making a connection. Encouraging Autonomy. Giving of Oneself, Taking Risks. Supporting care. Emotional Labour. Summing it all up.

The relationship between nursing theory and practice has been an area of intense professional debate for many years. With new governmental directives relating to how nurses care for patients, the debate continues about how and why nurses' care has never been more important. This book looks at all the key issues. It explores the historical basis upon which nurses care, and provides an invaluable theoretical resource to enable nurses from all areas of practice to understand better what care actually is. In addition to this important area it considers the difficulties in researching care. The key strength of this book is the way it exposes the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of nurses who are currently practising. The book will provide practical and theoretical information for both academics and practicing nurses.


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