Nursing and midwifery: a practical approach
Huband, Sally
Nursing and midwifery: a practical approach - Oxford Macmillan 2006 - 411; ill.,bibl.;
Paperback This comprehensive text provides practical guidance specifically for nurses and midwives in resource-poor settings. The authors' assumption is that most readers have limited resources with little access to libraries or the internet. The book aims to present a realistic, practical approach, which is firmly based on best practice. Written in a clear and straightforward way, the text is detailed, well-informed and authoritative.
Nursing and midwifery: a practical approach - Oxford Macmillan 2006 - 411; ill.,bibl.;
Paperback This comprehensive text provides practical guidance specifically for nurses and midwives in resource-poor settings. The authors' assumption is that most readers have limited resources with little access to libraries or the internet. The book aims to present a realistic, practical approach, which is firmly based on best practice. Written in a clear and straightforward way, the text is detailed, well-informed and authoritative.