Workplace-based assessments in psychiatry
Bhugra, Dinesh
Workplace-based assessments in psychiatry - 2nd - London Royal College of Psychiatrists 2011
This book outlines the workplace-based assessments that are required by the current competency-based psychiatry curriculum. This second edition has been updated, taking into account the experience gained since these assessments began. It covers theory and practice of assessment methods such as case-based discussions, long-case and short-case evaluations, patient satisfaction, directly observed practice, changes in MRCPsych examinations and multi-source feedback.
1908020067 9781908020062
Workplace-based assessments in psychiatry - 2nd - London Royal College of Psychiatrists 2011
This book outlines the workplace-based assessments that are required by the current competency-based psychiatry curriculum. This second edition has been updated, taking into account the experience gained since these assessments began. It covers theory and practice of assessment methods such as case-based discussions, long-case and short-case evaluations, patient satisfaction, directly observed practice, changes in MRCPsych examinations and multi-source feedback.
1908020067 9781908020062