Anti-discriminatory practice in mental health care for older people
Lane, P (ed)
Anti-discriminatory practice in mental health care for older people - London Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017
This book looks at ways to improve the health and social care of older people from minority and excluded communities. chapters explore issues working with people form a range of backgrounds including : LGBT people, people with learning disabilities, people from black and minority ethnic communities, homeless people and people with dementia. it includes practical advice on support for carers, end of life care and working with interpreters.
1849055610 9781849055611
Anti-discriminatory practice in mental health care for older people - London Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017
This book looks at ways to improve the health and social care of older people from minority and excluded communities. chapters explore issues working with people form a range of backgrounds including : LGBT people, people with learning disabilities, people from black and minority ethnic communities, homeless people and people with dementia. it includes practical advice on support for carers, end of life care and working with interpreters.
1849055610 9781849055611