Understanding supervision and assessment in nursing
Feeney, Aine
Understanding supervision and assessment in nursing - viii, 108p.
"This is a comprehensive, practical guide and toolkit suitable for all nurses, midwives and healthcare professionals undertaking a supervisory or assessing role when supporting learners in healthcare. Supporting learning and assessment in practice is critical in supporting the development of future generations of nurses, midwives and other health professionals. This role is becoming increasingly challenging due to the complexities of the health care workplace, educational frameworks and the changing expectations of learners. The purpose of this new book is to provide practical guidance to support and prepare practitioners to competently and responsibly work as practice supervisor and practice assessor in health care. It is essentially a practical book which will provide a toolkit for new and developing supervisors and assessors, as well as being useful for experienced NMC mentors looking to update their skills for the new NMC Educational Framework. The NMC is currently consulting on fundamental changes to practice learning provision, supervision and assessment and the authors anticipate that this book will be contemporary and at the forefront of new suggested roles, being of direct interest and benefit to those preparing supervisors and assessors of other health and social care professions as well as within pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes"--
9781526468024 9781526468031
WY 18.
Understanding supervision and assessment in nursing - viii, 108p.
"This is a comprehensive, practical guide and toolkit suitable for all nurses, midwives and healthcare professionals undertaking a supervisory or assessing role when supporting learners in healthcare. Supporting learning and assessment in practice is critical in supporting the development of future generations of nurses, midwives and other health professionals. This role is becoming increasingly challenging due to the complexities of the health care workplace, educational frameworks and the changing expectations of learners. The purpose of this new book is to provide practical guidance to support and prepare practitioners to competently and responsibly work as practice supervisor and practice assessor in health care. It is essentially a practical book which will provide a toolkit for new and developing supervisors and assessors, as well as being useful for experienced NMC mentors looking to update their skills for the new NMC Educational Framework. The NMC is currently consulting on fundamental changes to practice learning provision, supervision and assessment and the authors anticipate that this book will be contemporary and at the forefront of new suggested roles, being of direct interest and benefit to those preparing supervisors and assessors of other health and social care professions as well as within pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes"--
9781526468024 9781526468031
WY 18.